Change crusher liners

When to change crusher liners? It is an important thing when to change the crusher liner, so as to avoid damage to the liner seating surfaces of the crusher bowl, concave and mantle must be replaced before they are worn through. In some conditions with good quality wear parts, approximately 50% of the liner weight…

Three Types of Crusher Spares Help Reduce Your Rest-time

Three Types of Crusher Spares Help Reduce Your Rest-time An effective parts plan is your best defense against unplanned and extended downtime. Often times saving some days of run time over the course of a crushing season will pay for the cost of stocking the necessary,  even some unnecessary parts. The most commonly used models begin to categorize…

how to prolong cone crusher replacement working life?

How to prolong cone crusher replacement working life? In the current economic climate, decrease cost and increase profit are the most important, and cost base is a major factor in managing a successful quarrying business, crusher replacement costs associated with cone crushers can be a major cost center. This post explains a method to reduce…

Some tips for purchasing manganese steel parts (2)

Some tips for purchasing manganese steel parts (2) Are crusher liner test certificates available? A good test of a supplier’s commitment to their customers is the ability to provide test certificates. Crusher wear liners do not roll off an automatic assembly line and their manufacture to a consistent standard is important for the end-user. The…

Dismantling cone crusher

The difficulties and solutions when dismantling cone crusher Dismantling of difficulty: Cone crusher work as a very crucial role in the whole crushing production line,  directly influences the whole crushing process. When repair the equipment must be move concave, mantle, eccentric bushings, and other components throughout the entire dismantling, so we can understand the specific…

crusher spares

Cone Crusher’s Troubleshooting and Maintenance Measure

Cone Crusher’s Troubleshooting and Maintenance Measure Cone Crusher often appear the gears unwearable, broken teeth; reduction in the fuel tank, oil level decreased significantly; oil pressure lower than 0.05 MPA; water in oil; seal drainage oil, oil temperature does not rise; at the same time increasing the hydraulic oil also increased;  the filter pressure is…

crusher parts casting technology – EPC

Crusher Parts Casting Technology-EPC EPC (also known as solid casting) is combined with the similar size and shape to casting wax model or foam bonded into the cluster model, brushing fire-resistant paint and after drying, buried in the dry sand quartz vibration modeling, negative pressure under pouring, so that the model gasification, liquid metal to…