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Alloy Steel Hammers

250kg Alloy Steel Crusher Hammers

250kg Alloy Steel Crusher Hammers

Qiming Casting has produced 250KG alloy steel hammers for customers and achieved very good results. This article records the production process, inspection process, and experimental process in detail.

  • Fits for hammer mill parts
  • Net Weight: 250kg
  • Fit part number:  DHT-250
  • Packing: Standard EURO Pallet
  • Mark: QIMING
  • Aftermarket Parts Or Original Parts:  Original Parts

“All manufacturer names, part numbers, model numbers and descriptions are used for reference and identification purposes only, they are owned by the respective machine manufacturer. All parts supplied are manufactured and warranted by Qiming Casting and are not manufactured by or purchased from the Original Equipment Manufacturer. Qiming Casting has no association with the OEM and do not intend to give this impression.”

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+0086 15251744209

30CrNiMo Alloy Steel Hammer

30CrNiMo Alloy Steel Hammer

250kg 30CrNiMo Alloy Steel Hammer

Qiming Casting produced 250KG 30CrNiMo alloy steel hammer head for the customer and achieved very good results. This article is a detailed record of material analysis, heat treatment and comparison with other materials.

  • Fits for hammer mill parts
  • Net Weight: 250kg
  • Fit part number:  DHT-250-2
  • Packing: Standard EURO Pallet
  • Mark: QIMING
  • Aftermarket Parts Or Original Parts:  Original Parts

“All manufacturer names, part numbers, model numbers and descriptions are used for reference and identification purposes only, they are owned by the respective machine manufacturer. All parts supplied are manufactured and warranted by Qiming Casting and are not manufactured by or purchased from the Original Equipment Manufacturer. Qiming Casting has no association with the OEM and do not intend to give this impression.”

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+0086 15251744209

Manganese steel hammer

90kg Manganese Steel Hammer

90kg Manganese Steel Hammer

Qiming Casting has produced 90kg Manganese Steel Hammer for customers and achieved very good results. This article records the production, inspection, and experimental processes in detail.

  • Fits for hammer mill parts
  • Net Weight: 90kg
  • Fit part number:  HM-90
  • Packing: Standard EURO Pallet
  • Mark: QIMING
  • Aftermarket Parts Or Original Parts:  Original Parts

“All manufacturer names, part numbers, model numbers and descriptions are used for reference and identification purposes only, they are owned by the respective machine manufacturer. All parts supplied are manufactured and warranted by Qiming Casting and are not manufactured by or purchased from the Original Equipment Manufacturer. Qiming Casting has no association with the OEM and do not intend to give this impression.”

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+0086 15251744209

TIC inserts manganese hammer

TIC Inserts Manganese Hammer

TIC Inserts Manganese Hammer

Qiming Casting produced TIC Inserts Manganese Hammerd for the customer and achieved perfect results. This article is a detailed record of material analysis, heat treatment and comparison with other materials.

  • Fits for hammer mill parts
  • Fit part number:  TIC-1
  • Packing: Standard EURO Pallet
  • Mark: QIMING
  • Aftermarket Parts Or Original Parts:  Original Parts

“All manufacturer names, part numbers, model numbers and descriptions are used for reference and identification purposes only, they are owned by the respective machine manufacturer. All parts supplied are manufactured and warranted by Qiming Casting and are not manufactured by or purchased from the Original Equipment Manufacturer. Qiming Casting has no association with the OEM and do not intend to give this impression.”

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+0086 15251744209