Showing all 2 results

Seal ring 1063601890

Nordberg GYRADISC 36 Seal Ring

Nordberg GYRADISC 36 Seal Ring

Our replacement Nordberg GYRADISC 36 Seal Ring is brand new and in stock. Its unpacked manufactured weight is 41kg. We guarantee that this part was expertly crafted considering original factory tolerances and material specifications. As a global supplier, we also offer worldwide delivery to suit your needs, your business, and your timeframe.

  • Fits Nordberg GYRADISC 36 Crusher Parts
  • Net Weight: 41kg
  • Fit part number: 1063601890
  • Packing: Standard EURO Pallet
  • Mark: QIMING
  • Aftermarket Parts Or Original Parts:  Aftermarket Parts

“All manufacturer names, part numbers, model numbers and descriptions are used for reference and identification purposes only, they are owned by the respective machine manufacturer. All parts supplied are manufactured and warranted by Qiming Casting and are not manufactured by or purchased from the Original Equipment Manufacturer. Qiming Casting has no association with the OEM and do not intend to give this impression.”

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+0086 15251744209

Seal ring 1063518725

Nordberg HP300 Seal Ring

Nordberg HP300 Seal Ring

Our replacement Nordberg HP300 Seal Ring is brand new and held in stock. Its unpacked manufactured weight is 1.5kg. We guarantee that this part was expertly crafted in consideration of original factory tolerances and material specifications. As a global supplier, we also offer worldwide delivery to suit your needs, your business and your timeframe.

  • Fits Nordberg HP300 crusher parts
  • Net Weight: 1.5kg
  • Fit part number: 1063518725
  • Packing: Standard EURO Pallet
  • Mark: QIMING
  • Aftermarket Parts Or Original Parts:  Aftermarket Parts

“All manufacturer names, part numbers, model numbers and descriptions are used for reference and identification purposes only, they are owned by the respective machine manufacturer. All parts supplied are manufactured and warranted by Qiming Casting and are not manufactured by or purchased from the Original Equipment Manufacturer. Qiming Casting has no association with the OEM and do not intend to give this impression.”

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+0086 15251744209


+0086 15251744209