Nordberg HP200 Inner Eccentric Bushing

Nordberg HP200 Inner Eccentric Bushing

Qiming Casting offers the inner eccentric bushing for your Nordberg HP200 cone crusher. All of our crusher spare parts are available brand new and manufactured in consideration of original tolerances at our headquarters in the China.

  • Fits Nordberg HP200 Inner Eccentric Bushing
  • Net Weight: 148kg
  • Fit part number: 1022072951
  • Packing: Standard EURO Pallet
  • Material: Bronze
  • Mark: QIMING
  • Aftermarket Parts Or Original Parts:  Aftermarket Parts

“All manufacturer names, part numbers, model numbers and descriptions are used for reference and identification purposes only, they are owned by the respective machine manufacturer. All parts supplied are manufactured and warranted by Qiming Casting and are not manufactured by or purchased from the Original Equipment Manufacturer. Qiming Casting has no association with the OEM and do not intend to give this impression.”

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+0086 15251744209

Category: SKU: 1022072951 Tags:


Information to be known before placing orders

  • What is the part number? (must be known)*
  • Will Aftermarket Parts be accepted? (must be known)*


All crusher spares supplied are designed to meet the original specifications and are guaranteed to fit crushers that have not been rebuilt or repaired with modifications or deviations from the original dimensions.

Delivery Time

  • Crusher spares with an existing casting mold will typically be delivered within 4-6 weeks, depending on order quantity.
  • Crusher spares without an existing casting mold will typically be delivered within 6-8 weeks


  • Standard Pallet EUR1: 1200mm×800mm×144mm
  • Standard Pallet EUR2: 1200mm×1000mm×144mm
  • Wood Box

Qiming Casting is a professional casting factory for wear-resistant materials. It doesn’t produce all the crusher parts, especially some standard parts. Qiming Casting has cooperated with some other factories to provide customers with one-stop purchasing. Before delivery, all the crusher parts are inspected and qualified in Qiming Casting’s factory.